How do you take care of a Ramo Buchon? Complete step by step guide by our expert florists

How do you take care of a Ramo Buchon?

Ramo Buchon is one of the most expensive Buchons, so when it comes to its expensiveness, its care is also as critical as its beauty.

So many people asked us, How do you take care of a Ramo Buchon? So, we do in-depth research and experimentation on the care and maintenance of Ramo Buchon to keep it fresh and to make its fragrance long-lasting and decided to share it with you.

How do you take care of a Ramo Buchon? Complete step by step guide by our expert florists

When you get your ramo buchon either in the form of a Gift, you get it fresh cut from your back lawn or any Floral Garden, or you buy it for yourself to decorate your home, you have to do some care of the Ramo buchon so it lasts longer after cutting. We have shared a step-by-step guide to increase your Ramo Buchon’s life with our expert florist’s help.

Step-by-step guide: How do you take care of a Ramo Buchon?


Stem Cutting

  • Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle with the help of cutting tools (shears or knife)  from the bottom so its surface area increases(Recommended cutting method), and make sure to keep the branch two inches above the bottom of the Vase through which Maximum water absorption can occur through its stem, which remains fresh for many days and keeps blooming.
  • Remove all leaves or anything else from the surface of the stem that dips into the water because it boosts bacterial growth in the vase liquid. 


Clean Vase Use a clean vase and ensure that all soap residues have been rinsed away

  • Use a clean vase and ensure that all soap residues have been rinsed away because it will shorten the life of the flowers.  
  • Fill about three-quarters of the Vase with Vase liquid, as described below. 


Vase Liquid/Preservative Packet

  • Use a floral preservative packet in water because these packets contain nutrients and antibacterial agents that can extend the life of flowers (If available) 
  • If the Floral Preservative packet is unavailable, make your own Vase Liquid floral water tonic by adding one teaspoon of Shugar/Honey & a half teaspoon of Bleach/Citric Acid in one Liter of fresh water. 
  • You can also use fresh Tap water if the Floral preservative packet and Floral water tonic are unavailable. 

Arrange Ramo Buchon in an Ideal Method

  • First, take the longest branches, using their beautiful shapes to create patterns, and fill the gaps with smaller branches. This method creates a large Ramo Buchon and gives a professional vase look.

Avoid Direct Sunlight & Provide Cool Temperature

  • Flowers are the lovers of sunlight, but after cutting, place the Ramo Buchon in a prime location, blocking direct sunlight and heat sources.  
  • Cooler temperatures will help slow the blooming process and extend the lifespan of the flowers. 

Keep away from fruit and heat sources

  • Keep Ramo Buchon away from fruit because some fruits emit ethylene, which speeds up the aging of Ramo Buchon.
  • Keep away from heat sources because heat will cause dehydration, and flowers will wilt faster. 

Mist the Blooms 

  • Mist the Ramo Buchon for hydration.
  • Misting the Ramo Buchon blooms will make its flowers bloom and remain fresh for longer, especially if the home environment is dry. 

Place near Humidifier

  • If your room has low humidity content in the environment, place your Ramo Buchon near a humidifier. They will remain fresh for an extended period and have long-lasting scents.

Keep away from drafts/air vents and crowds

  • Please keep away from drafts because constant airflow toward the flowers can accelerate dehydration, and they wilt faster. Keep them away from open windows, fans, and air conditioning vents. 
  • Be sure to space the Vase properly for proper air circulation because it reduces the risk of mold and bacterial growth. 

Change Water and re-cut stems

  • Change the water every other day because after one day, it starts bacterial growth, which decreases Ramo Buchon’s life, and replacing the water every other day will increase its life incredibly, which we have tested in our experiments. 
  • Re-cut the stems at 45 degrees every time you change the water, and keep the branch two inches above the bottom of the Vase for better water absorption. 


Remove blooms as they wilt

  • As individual Ramo Buchon blooms fade, immediately remove them from the bouquet.
  • It allows the remaining flowers to receive more nutrients and encourages the bouquet to last longer. 


If you have any questions about RamoBuchon’s care, please ask us. We will be happy to answer your query.

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